.This beautiful modern bouquet is created with a mix of fresh florals and greens, with a lush and organic aesthetic.
Our Bouquets include: Eucalyptus, and other fresh greens, along with a selection of lovely seasonal blooms.
It makes a perfect gift to cheer up, offer condolences, or celebrate any occasion for your friends and family! Each bouquet is hand-tied and comes water wrapped for freshness. Feel free to choose to include a simple cylinder glass vase when choosing your option.
Dimensions: Approx 10" Diameter x 12-14" Height
We'll include small care card to keep the bouquet looking fresh for days.
** Please note the florals will be similar to the image pictured, but will not be identical as we choose flowers based on availability and season. If you would like specific colours/flowers please leave a note at check out and we will do our best to accommodate.
This product is for pickup or delivery only and cannot be shipped. Please choose "Pick up" or "Local Delivery" when choosing delivery method at checkout.
What colours / stems are included?
We aim to use beautiful pales tones, but vibrant tones in our bouquets, while combining in-season stems to pair with the time of year.
How long will the bouquet last?
If kept out of direct sun, the arrangement can last for weeks. Some more delicate flowers may be spent sooner, but hardier stems and greens can last a long time with frequent water changes.
Can this be delivered?
Yes, this makes a great gift and can be delivered within Calgary city limits.
Can you customize the arrangement?
We can do our best to accommodate any special requests for the arrangement. Should be looking for certain colours, a specific feel, etc. leave us a note when you checkout and we'll do our best to create what you're looking for!
We’re here to help re-connect people with the natural world, and to inspire them to build and maintain more beautiful spaces.
We offer a carefully curated selection of indoor and outdoor plants, hand crafted home goods that put quality ahead of quantity, and living art made right here in the shop: terrariums, landscapes, arrangements, vessels, and holders.
We want our visitors to be inspired to get their hands dirty. We have a passionate and knowledgeable team at your disposal with helpful tips and tricks, and all the supplies you need to get creative at home.